Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Z Diaries

The Z Diaries
Zorawar Wilfred Singh Almeida

A delightful bundle of joy visited me this summer. All of five years and nine months, very verbal and communicative he put all my apprehensions of looking after one so young and after so long, at rest very soon.
 I picked up Mom and him from the Shatabadi and as soon as we were in the car he started giving me FIFA gyan and also expressed he’d like to watch the match for that evening on the big screen. Luckily, the Golf Club had such a screen and we were on our way. Then he wanted to know why Karan Bhaiya had not come to pick him up! How could I explain to him that Karan Bhaiya is 20 and has a social life that’s a bit grown up!! Anyway, he enjoyed watching soccer at the club and soon we were home with Savraj Masarji, Karan Bhaiya and Karan Bhaiya’s Dadiji. Z was mighty pleased that KB was there to receive him at home. Dinner time and in walks Z and says, “ Kimmy Masi, I have to be fed.” Of course, Jugnu had told me about his eating habits but this was a bit of a revelation on his part and set the mood for things to come for the  next few days.

That night after K indulged him at the Play Station ,he wanted to sleep in K’s room with K and Masi. He had been given a fair idea of K’s nocturnal habits by his mom. So in spite of his love for KB, he wanted the security of Masi( did make me feel wanted !!)

Next morn it was swim time and bond time with Savraj Masarji. The highlight being SM encouraged him to let go of his floaters and our little Mogli was jumping in the deep.
The Mogli bit is another story. One night KB announced his late night party plans so little z had to sleep in our room with us. S keeps the AC super cool so Z was in track pants to keep accidents at bay. Ever predictable Chandigarh electric power went off in the night............after a while S and I felt a few tiny stretches of discomfort and heard a whining, “It’s so hot !” That was Zzzzzz mumbling in deep sleep. We decided to remove his upper layer of clothing and Z was left in his undies to beat the heat. S whispered that he looked like a little Mogli sleeping and to our surprise a little voice answered – “ and you ..........look like Shere Khan.” What wit ! I suppose S enjoyed the humour and next morning onwards started a special friendship of teasing each other and WWE stunts on the bed between the two with S calling him Mogli and even Zorawar All Mada !!!The Mogli bit carried onto the pool  with Z looking so cute in his swimming trunks.
Also that night I took out a hand fan and started waving it in my efforts to keep Z comfortable in the heat. The next morning he told me, “ I felt like a Maharaja  last night.”
On the way back from the club one afternoon Z wondered aloud why the golf club was not in a jungle . S answered, “ How would monkeys like you visit it then ?”Z fell silent. I suppose he was thinking of a witty retort. S asked him again,” You liked my answer?”  Z, “ That is the worst answer I have heard in the whole world, in my whole life.”

Walking the dogs with me was another activity that Z enjoyed a lot.  Simba, who can be quite spiteful somehow took a liking to Z and looked forward to walking with him. Bruno is anyway an over affectionate darling so he too hit it with Z.  By the fourth day I felt Z was comfortable with the dogs and I called the gardener and told Z that he would be walking with Mali Bablu Bhaiya. To this he replied, “ Hope he won’t kidnap me .” Thank God, Bablu doesn’t understand English. For one who is so trustworthy that would have been such a shock.

We were in Capital book store and I see Dan Dhanoa, the Hindi movie villain of yester years with his new wife, at the counter browsing through a huge coffee table book called 50 years of Indian Cinema or something similar. I felt it proper that I introduce Z to him. Ex movie star that he was, he pointed to a picture of himself, “That’s me with Amitabh Bachan.” I made all the right noises and exclamations expecting a little smile of acknowledgement if nothing else from Z. guess what? Our little one turns around, looks at greying Dan and says,” I don’t think so.” Ignoring all hurt pride, I rushed him out of the store and was that a smile I saw on his wife’s face!

One afternoon while feeding Z lunch I asked him-
- Who feeds you lunch in Gurgaon?
-My didi.
-So what does your mom do then?
-She rests.
-What about Masi’s rest?
-Oh, you can get a woman to feed me and you can rest too.
 Great advice from a five year old.

I suppose S and I re-lived quite a few moments of Karan’s childhood in these few days. Karan, Savraj and I thoroughly enjoyed Z and we look forward to his next visit.

I’d like to thank you dear Jugnu and Jerry for letting us share your son with us, and would also like to congratulate you both on giving Z such a stimulating environment that makes him so eloquent. I was so caught up enjoying Z‘s expressions that getting a camera out to freeze those moments was not possible. However, am glad those moments are frozen in my memories and I can re-live them forever.